The Alchemy of Social Justice with Michelle Cassandra Johnson
It is rare to find social justice circles and spaces that include ritual and alchemy. The act of identifying how and working to create a just world is alchemical and it is important for us to identify what our specific magic is as we engage in social justice work. In this course, you will learn why ritual and magic are central to actualizing the just world in which we all want to live, explore how to center ritual and magic in your social justice work and create an alchemical recipe for justice.
This week's sessions will include:
Monday Lecture: The Alchemy of Social Justice | 2 - 3:15pm pdt | 5 - 6:15pm edt
Wednesday Practice: Alchemy of the Bhagavad Gita | 9 - 10:15am pdt | 12 - 1:15pm edt
Friday Meditation: The Alchemy of Mantra & Meditation | 9 - 10am pdt | 12 - 1pm edt