A combination of coaching, metaphysical skills, and shamanic practices;
all sessions are currently held virtually, with the exception of group rituals, which can be held in person by request.
Intuitive healing offerings
Intuitive healing
Michelle offers client-centered individual intuitive healing sessions using a combination of coaching and metaphysical skills.
akashic readings
Our souls have information that influence what is happening in our lives, and accessing the soul through our records is a powerful practice.
shamanic offerings
Bring things from other realms into this one to support your practices and cultivation of union, peace, healing, and harmony.
Oracular Readings
Receive answers to questions you might have about relationships, career, life path, lineage, family, and whatever it is you seek to know.
personalized rituals
A ritual is a ceremonial act one might perform as part of a celebration, seasonal or life transition, or as part of a daily spiritual practice.
Intuitive Healing
Michelle was a clinical social worker for 20 years. She found that work rewarding and fulfilling but over time it became challenging to diagnose people, deal with insurance companies and feel limited by the interventions and treatment modalities she could use. As a yoga teacher, spiritual practitioner, and someone with an awareness that the Universe is in constant communication with us, she decided to shift her work to offer intuitive healing services.
Intuitive healing has been a breath of fresh air and felt more expansive to Michelle. She is able to bring in so many more tools that feel helpful and derive from a holistic perspective rather than a framework focused on treating symptoms. Michelle does not believe symptoms are what we need to treat.
Michelle believes we must dig deeper to understand what blockages might be in the way of someone living a fulfilling, connected and purposeful life.
Mental health services have a place, and Michelle’s social work background does inform how she facilitates intuitive healing sessions, but these are not therapy sessions. She has
spent years deepening her own relationship with her intuition. She believes we all have deeper wisdom and can build skills to access this wisdom. These sessions will include intuitive healing practices, Akashic readings, and personalized and group rituals.
If you are interested in deepening your intuitive abilities and finding support to guide you as you navigate life transitions, grief/loss, or any change that might be moving you off center, you've come to the right person and place.
Michelle offers intuitive client-centered individual healing sessions using a combination of coaching and metaphysical skills. She beings each session with meditation to tune into spirit guides and then make suggestions to clients that might involve connecting with the natural world, crystals, building altars of work with their spirit guides, and more. Often clients schedule a session with a question in mind and you’ll spend time focusing on that question during the session. One question tends to lead to others, and this work flows with the energy you’ll co-create in your time together. Michelle support clients in a way that affirms their inner wisdom rather than offering all of the answers to them about a specific situation.
Some topics we might cover
How to interpret signs
Creating daily rituals
Cultivating a deeper connection with healthy ancestors, spirit guides or supportive energies
How to move through a transition i.e. a move, relationship change, career change, etc.
Pricing & Scheduling
Sessions are 50 minutes
$150 for a single session OR $375 for a 3-session package
Once you book a session, you will receive more information about how to prepare.
After your appointment has been confirmed, you’ll receive a Zoom link 24 hours before your session.
akashic readings
Michelle has been interested in Akashic Records for many years and she is excited to offer readings after having completed an Akashic Reading Course with Rohini Moradi. What drew her to the records was an awareness that our souls have information that influence what is happening in our lives.
Being able to access the soul through our records is a powerful practice meant to support you in living a life that is more aligned with your soul, soul purpose and higher self. The Akashic Records are a complete vibrational history of every thought, experience, interaction and emotion of every soul that has ever existed since the beginning of time.
Every single being has an Akashic Record and every single being has access to their records. During a reading, Michelle will access your records for you. Readings usually center around a question you might have.
Common question topics: relationships, big life decisions, disempowering patterns and blocks, finances, career, creativity and health.
a few sample questions
What do I need to know right now?
What is my greatest lesson to live in this lifetime?
How can I best contribute to the world?
Am I carrying anything from a past life in this life that I need to be aware of right now?
Pricing & Scheduling
Sessions are 45 minutes
$100 for a single session OR $250 for a 3-session package
Once you book a session, you will receive more information about how to prepare.
After your appointment has been confirmed, you’ll receive a Zoom link 24 hours before your session.
Please note, Michelle does not offer Akashic reading as part of the intuitive healing session. While these services are complementary, they are two different processes and services. If you are interested in both, please book a 45-minute Akashic reading and an intuitive healing session. Alternatively, you can book an intuitive healing session and request via email that half of the session be focused on an Akashic reading.
A ritual is a ceremonial act one might perform as part of a celebration, seasonal or life transition, or as part of a daily spiritual practice. A ritual can be as simple as one lighting a candle, gathering items from the natural world and building an altar, saying the same prayer or blessing every morning or night, or gathering around and offering things to a fire or river. Michelle has a ritual of prayer, journaling, pulling tarot cards and writing gratitude statements each morning. On new and full moons, she’ll build altars specific to that particular moon’s energy. Rituals and ceremonies are important practices that can enrich your life, build connection with self and others in community.
Michelle offers personalized rituals and group rituals.
Personalized Ritual Recipes
Michelle will channel and write a ritual for you based on what you request. Common requests are rituals for transitions, grief, or daily rituals to increase a connection with Spirit. You share the details you think are most important for her to know and then she will sit in meditation and ask for information about the ritual. She’ll follow up with an email that includes everything you will need to complete the ritual, including a recommended time of day or night to complete the ritual, and any other pertinent information.
Once you correspond with Michelle about the ritual, please allow up to three days to receive the ritual recipe from. Cost: $75
*After you fill out the form to request a ritual, you will receive a confirmation and link to send payment. Michelle will not begin to craft your ritual until she receives payment.
Group Rituals
Michelle is available to lead group rituals focused on various topics including: grief, specific desires of a coven or ceremonial circle, transitions, seasonal changes, etc. She offers these rituals for established groups and groups coming together for one meeting. These rituals vary in price based on the length of the ritual and size of the group.
shamanic offerings
How can we bring things from other realms into this one to bring about union, peace, and harmony?
Shamanic practices are meant to support one in accessing guides and helpers to support them. In addition, shamanism is about traveling between realms and to the void into non-ordinary reality to bring whatever we discover from that realm into ordinary reality. We do this for the purpose of bringing harmony into our lives and the world.
Michelle has sat in shamanic circles and studied different lineages of shamanism for many years. Over the past several years, she has studied shamanism more intensively. She has worked with teachers trained and initiated in Hoodoo and Voodoo, Celtic and Kabbalistic traditions, the Q'ero paqos, and bee and nature-based shamanism. It is from these teachings and lineages that Michelle offers healing practices to clients and groups.
Currently, Michelle offers 60-minute shamanic healing sessions. During these sessions, Michelle will weave together different shamanic practices to meet your needs. Michelle will open the session with a centering meditation and invite the client to travel to meet helpers, guides, and spirits through drumming, song, yoga nidra, and rest and dream practices. Michelle might suggest some practices to access the void to gain clarity about a specific situation a client is working through at the time. The session will also offer divination tools that will assist the client on their healing journey.
Oracular Readings
Since ancient times, people from various cultures and lineages have engaged the oracles to receive divine communication and guidance. Once a month, on or around the full moon from July to December 2024, Michelle will serve as a medium to the oracles to access answers to questions you might have about relationships, career, life path, lineage, family, and whatever it is you seek to know.
With the support of my guides, she will enter into ceremony and travel to a liminal space, betwixt and between, to access the oracles and receive answers to your questions.
The answers that emerge will be encapsulated in a 3-5 minute prophetic message (one recording per question) that will be recorded and sent to you once the ceremony is complete.
The cost for this kind of reading is offered on a three-tiered sliding scale, from $50 to $70.00 total for up to three questions.
Michelle will read for up to three people per month on a first-come, first-served basis.
At checkout, you will fill out a form indicating the questions you want Michelle to ask the oracles. She will email to let you know on which full moon she will do the reading and follow up after the reading with recordings of the answers to your questions.
Be well on your path.
What People Are Saying
“Michelle is very gifted at facilitating healing on many levels and is extremely skilled at meeting people where they're at with compassion. Working with her feels like having a dear, wise friend by your side who encourages you to stay the course while reminding you of your innate wholeness. She is such a gift. I cannot recommend a session with her enough.”
— Jenn Noble
“Working with Michelle is powerful and awe-inspiring! I received beautiful images, messages, and meaningful guides. I cried with joy and recognition as she revealed the messages from my record. I received great healing, blessings, and direction for the next steps on my journey.”
— Shelia Walker
“Michelle offers the perfect balance of fierce love and tender care in her readings. She has a profound gift of connecting to the spirit and natural work, and is a skilled translator of messages for the soul. Her reading offered me guidance, clarity, and practical ideas for how to care for myself more fully.”