2.02 Trust Your Truth


Named one of the “35 Under 35 in Wellness to Watch” by Wanderlust, Shannon Algeo is a celebrated speaker, writer, life coach, Yoga Nidra and meditation teacher. His popular podcast SoulFeed features interviews with iconic cultural and spiritual leaders like Deepak Chopra, Caroline Myss, Marianne Williamson, Danielle LaPorte, and many more. In his coaching practice, Algeo works with clients to heal old patterns of trauma so they can show up in the world with power, presence, and purpose.

Shannon is known around the world for his gift of processing his own life experience into words that can be heard or read in service of greater learning, deeper resonance, and profound healing.  

In this interview we discuss:

  • Trusting One’s Intuition

  • Blocks to Listening to One’s Intuition

  • Thermodynamics

  • Energy Transfer

  • What we are Willing to Let Go

  • Allowing for the Unkown to Unfold

  • Death as a Doorway

  • The Chakra System

  • The Preciousness of Life

  • Working with White-Bodied Individuals 

  • Embodiment

  • True North

  • Self-Care/Collective Care 

You can purchase Shannon’s book, Trust Your Truth, and connect with him on his website or on Instagram @shannon.algeo

Podcast music by Charles Kurtz

+ Read transcript


2.03 Love


2.01 Doing the Work