3.12 The Bee as a Bridge

Finding Refuge Podcast - Ariella Daly

Ariella Daly is a natural beekeeper, dream weaver, and teacher living in Northern California.   Devoted to the bee in both the physical world and the spirit world, she synthesizes natural beekeeping, animism, dreamwork, and earth activism through writing, workshops, and teaching. Her work with the bee came through a lifelong interest in human connection with the non-human world.

She is trained a European animistic folk tradition with the bee and the serpent as its central motifs.  Within this tradition, she is versed in the healing and seership modality known as the Pollen Method.  Her work is a fusion of her love for the natural world and embodied, womb-centric practices.  

Ariella seeks to foster a deeper relationship between humans and the natural world through honey bees and sees the bee as a bridge species between our domestic lives and the wild, both within and around us. She is a lover of wild places, liminal spaces, and the song of the land. 

In this special episode, we discuss:

  • The Liminal Space

  • The Loss of a Parent

  • Grief

  • Animism

  • The Honeybees

  • Healing One’s Spirit with Nature

  • Ancestors

  • The Crooked Path

  • Death

  • Birth

  • Rebirth

  • A Love Affair with the Natural World 

  • What It Means to be in Relationship with Everything

  • Daring to Love

  • Dreaming Our Way Into a New Way of Being

  • Dreaming for the collective 

  • Stretching the Imagination 

  • Love 

Connect with Ariella here on her website or Instagram @beekeepinginskirts

Podcast music by Charles Kurtz

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3.13 Healing Justice Lineages


3.11 We Got Soul