For more than 23 years, Michelle worked with Dismantling Racism Works as a lead trainer, consulting and training organizations and communities about personal, institutional, and cultural racism. She now serves as an independent consultant and facilitator with various trainers from all over the country.
Michelle designs processes for organizations that focus on deepening your understanding of our shared history relative to oppression and privilege. All forms of oppression intersect and we cannot achieve equity in one arena without creating justice in all.
Michelle includes mindfulness practice in race-equity training to allow people to begin to understand and feel the impact of white supremacy and racism on the physical body, mind, heart and spirit.
Mindfulness is about being fully present in the moment, the here and now.
It is about being connected to what is going on inside of us and around us. It enables us to arrive in a grounded place with centered awareness, where we are able to be responsive instead of reactive and where we can engage in social change in a courageous way.
Mindfulness skills allow us to begin to deepen our understanding of identity and intersectionality, how we approach our organizational and organizing work, how we frame a social change issue and who we involve in defining a path forward to address inequity and injustice.
Michelle works independently and she also enjoys collaborating with colleagues on race equity contracts. You can find out more about some of her collaborators here.
Michelle offers:
anti-Racism training
Michelle designs processes for organizations that focus on deepening your understanding of our shared history relative to racism, white supremacy, and privilege. You’ll establish a shared language and an analysis to understand how racism operates at the personal, institutional, and cultural levels. Although this kind of training intentionally centers on race, Michelle has an intersectional lens as she leads anti-racism work.
mindfulness in the workplace
As a 500-hr certified yoga teacher highly experienced in supporting individual transformation through mindfulness practices, Michelle helps participants cultivate an understanding of social change, providing tools to resolve conflict and address group dynamics.
individual coaching
Michelle provides individual coaching to people and organizations who are seeking to deepen their anti-racism practice and raise consciousness about how racism, white supremacy, and oppression affect them individually and us as a collective. Sessions are a mix of coaching, engaging intuition, and practical tools and skills, including pre-work, goal-setting, and evaluation of progress.