Waking up to Whiteness
Why yoga teachers have a responsibility to investigate white supremacy, racism and oppression.
Why we are uniquely positioned as yoga practitioners to do the work of dismantling racism
Unpacking terms:
White Supremacy
How yoga philosophy calls us to create justice and liberation for all
Do white people know? Or are we just not willing to break down a system we benefit from?
Why remaining neutral in the name of equanimity causes deep harm
Spiritual bypassing in the yoga community
The role that white yoga teachers can play in creating a just yoga landscape
Resourcing marginalised people to get where they want to go
Understanding equity
Why inclusion is not enough
Why dismantling racism is messy, and hard, and why we have to do it anyway
What a just an equitable yoga landscape actually looks like
Being in relationship with the communities that the yoga industry has marginalised
Committing to the process of dismantling racism for the long haul